Here is the name of publishing company – Skills institute press LLC


Here is the name of the Book – Homeowner Survival Guide Landscaping


I found a nice and short article about moving Tree from the book mentioned above.


A tree’s size, weight and stability make it seem a permanent part of the landscape, but there are times when it is necessary to move a tree. Small or young trees, for example, may be temporarily stored out of the way of construction projects. And some trees should be permanently moved away from areas with poor drainage, unfavorable soil conditions, or extreme wind. Mature trees in good health can also be relocated to fit a new landscape plan.




In general , those trees up to 10 feet tall with trunk up to 3 inches thick can be moved with relative ease and can be expected to thrive after the experience. Large trees, however, are unwieldy and more vulnerable to shock; the job of moving them should be evaluated–and usually performed–by a professional.




The best time to move a deciduous tree is late autumn or early spring, when the tree is dormant. An evergreen can be moved at any time. Several months to a year in advance, cut about half of the horizontal roots, but not the vertical taproot. Make this cuts in three 60–degree arcs 24 to 30 inches from the trunk.


Pruning the tree in advance lessens the danger of shock by allowing new feeder roots time to form before the tree is moved. To compensate for the lost root capacity, however, prune away about a third of the branches.